Boston Marathon, April 16, 2012
Post date: Apr 26, 2012 12:04:07 AM
Congratulations to the Regina-area runners who completed the "Boston Inferno of 2012". Here are the results:
Cari Markewich, 3:56:04, 1482nd Women 35-39
Rowena Collins-Huber, 3:57:05, 58th Women 50-54
Jennifer Ruland, 4:08:58, 2146th Women 18-35
Tracy Kennett, 4:10:48, 417th Women 45-49
Shelley Brash, 4:12:10, 439th Women 45-49
Laura Moltz, 4:16:35, 187th Women 50-54
Lisa Schwann, 4:24:07, 656th Women 45-49
Deborah Huys, 4:30:06, 316th Women 50-54
Andrew Munro, 4:32:25, 3403rd Men 18-35
Tricia Brown, 5:13:31, 3861st Women 35-39